How Reviews Affect Local Businesses
Now that online reviews are becoming more and more commonplace, it is vital to make sure that your business has a positive online presence. Here are some statistics about online reviews and how they can impact your future business locally.
How New Customers Find Local Small Businesses
82% Word-of-Mouth
66% Internet
37% Advertising
23% Yellow Pages
23% Newspaper/Magazines
17% Storefront
21% Other
Using the Internet
The Amount of Times an Average Person Uses the Internet to Find a Local Business within 12 Months.
2-5 times– 25%
6-10 times – 17%
Every week – 16%
0 times – 15%
Every month – 10%
1 time – 9%
Almost every day – 8%
Do you read online reviews before you decide a local business is good business?
“Yes, Regularly” – 27%
“Yes, Occasionally” – 49%
“No” – 24%
The Influence of Opinions
How Customer Reviews Affect Visitor Opinions
“Positive customer reviews make me trust a business.” – 58%
“Reviews that do not deter me or influence my decision.” – 25%
“I don’t pay any attention to online reviews.” – 24%
A bad online review can deter potential customers away from your store, so make sure that you give great customer service and set up a fort of positive online reviews to protect yourself. People are easily influenced by reviews, and the amount of lost sales will add up quickly, so make sure to invest some time to bring a positive light to your business online.