A recent survey of digital marketers showed the results of the number one source for lead generation. SEO won over PPC and SMM. Here is a glimpse as to why.
82.6% of internet users are using search engines.
52% of small businesses are increasing their SEO budget.
57% of B2B marketers credit SEO as their primary source for generating leads.
41% of B2C marketers credit SEO as their primary source for generating leads.
What are the comparative advantages of SEO over PPC?
Studies have shown that almost 80% of traffic comes from search engines.
Only 20% of traffic comes from paid search clicks.
SEO effects can last for the life of the website content.
Only PPC’s effect lasts until the ceasing of paid keywords and ads.
People’s eyes go to organic search results with the top three results being seen by 100% of viewers.
With PPC, only 50% of the people looking see the top paid.
86% of web searchers trust SEO listings more than sponsored ads, leaving the trust in PPC listings very low.