
Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks for Businesses
A checklist focused on social media marketing tips for businesses.

Social Media Marketing Tips

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Social Media Marketing Tips for Business

Promote your presence on the network as much as possible so as to gain more fans or followers. Let them know that you are present on social networks using other marketing channels such as your website, your newsletters, sales literature or sales points. Tell your target audience where they can find you and why it is interesting to follow you (exclusive benefits, competitions, customer service, etc.).

Using Social Media to develop brand awareness is a key goal area (with kids, adults, teens, fat people, etc.)  Millions of people discuss, exchange, and share content on social networks and that is precisely what the advantages of social media for businesses are.  Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc., draw attention to your brand and generate more traffic to your website.  Social platforms allow you to highlight your expertise and provide access to a new wider audience.

Test different ads in different networks. The ads on social networks can help build your brand or products outside your network, fans or followers. The different channels offer different possibilities for this, advertisements on Youtube and Facebook and through the sponsored tweets are all effective.  Experiment with different concepts to define the most effective operations for your brand.  The key factor is of course, an offer tailored to your target audience to encourage them to click.

Continue to develop and improve your customer service. “A dissatisfied customer will share his negative experience with an average of 9 to 15 people”. Around 13% of disappointed customers will talk to more than 20 people (sourced from the White House Office of Consumer Affairs).  With the advent of social networks and the ability to easily and quickly share comments and tweets, critics can spread news even faster than before.  It is therefore extremely important for a company to listen to what customers and prospects are saying about you.  One way to avoid escalating rumors is to set up a customer service on each of the social networks on which you are present.  Besides being able to respond directly to a dissatisfied customer to resolve the dispute, you can show your prospects that you are reachable and available.

Do not underestimate the power of video.  YouTube has over 550 million worldwide visitors per month.  It is therefore surprising that many companies have not yet realized how Youtube can be effective for brand awareness and interactive dialogue with the target group.  Take time to create a YouTube page for your company and/or products you want to promote.  Content can range from simple operating instructions, a detailed description of products annually, through entire movies, which will help you increase your reach.  Your reputation and your positioning on search engines will also improve.

Test the location-based social media.  Facebook has the geo-location social networking and it was a key trend in 2011 and will likely continue to grow in the future.  These applications are well suited to retail stores to attract customers into store and promote specific offers.  At the same time you may increase brand awareness, as users share their "Check-Ins" contacts with their Facebook followers or on other social networks. 

Use social media for product launches.  It is obvious that every brand wants to launch its new product by attracting the most attention in the market.  In most cases, product launches are very expensive and require significant resources.  Social networks are appropriate for the introduction of new products onto the market, to stimulate interest and curiosity by developing a dialogue with your customers and prospects.  In addition, you can "extend" the efforts of the other social media channels of communication such as email marketing, TV commercials or advertisements.  Social networks increase your reach and you can reach audiences that you would not necessarily able to reach through other channels.

Reward your fans and followers.  The first step is to gain new fans and followers, and then you should encourage them to stay.  Place key posts that are relevant and post attractive offers.  So listen to your network chatter and offer regular coupons, discounts or contests.  Book your fans a VIP by offering exclusive offers, valid only for social-media-alites.  Thus, you will be able to retain and increase the chances of seeing your offers relayed outside your own network, making readers want to be your friends or fans too.

Use an analysis tool to measure the effectiveness of your social media presence.  A key challenge for companies operating on social networks is the measure of the performance of campaigns and activities, and that is where analysis tools come into play.  With analysis software you will get a complete overview of the effectiveness of each campaign and the success of your social media presence in general.  You can check and optimize your social media strategy, by analyzing the performance indicators such as interactions with your contacts, comments, number of likes, fans or followers, or shared.

Include events in your social media strategy.  Social media is especially effective in promoting all types of corporate events, both in B2C and B2B areas.  Social networks allow you to promote your store promotions and events, provided to publish regular updates to arouse the curiosity before, during and after the event.  You can engage your visitors during the event and encourage interactivity.  You can also involve friends, fans and followers who are not on site by sharing content, posts and comments.

The social media as a sales channel is a possibility but don’t rely on it.  In addition to developing awareness and loyalty, the main objective of a company is selling products and services.  Much of your prospects spend some time on social networks.  Therefore, it is important to be present with a company page in order to arouse the interest of users and encourage them to purchase.  Dialogues, recommendations, feedback and reactions of other customers of the company can positively influence the buying decision of your fans / followers or other users.  The purchase can then act directly on the social network via an integrated store, by redirecting the user to the website of the company.  Create a buzz marketing to encourage purchases.

Involve your network in various activities and actions around your brand, helping to develop a sense of community and increased involvement vis-à-vis your network. Invite your fans and followers to interact with your brand through surveys, questionnaires and feedback.

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