
Social Media Objectives and Marketing Strategy Examples
A visual infographic covering how to create social media objectives with marketing strategy examples.

Social Media Objectives

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Marketing plans are an extension of operational strategies, and define precisely what must be done, by whom, when, how and with/by what means. These may affect the company's marketing, product or service or a specific operation, covering a period of several years, one year or even just a few days. In addition to conventional procedures and methods of control, marketing uses two specific instruments:

1.      Performance indicators both quantitative and qualitative

2.      Marketing audits, testing and revision (updates)

The marketing strategy provides a structured approach to strategy/tactics in the marketing mix. A marketing plan only differs (essentially) in its strategy by its detail, both in the temporal respect and planning/implementation respect.

The marketing plan is separate from the overall business strategy.  It is an extension of operations.  It is a means to attaining a goal. The strategy is to set goals and then choose a way of implementation them through a combination of means that will achieve them. The marketing plan is there to decide how this process will play out in a concrete and precise manner.  It should answer:

Ÿ  What actions will be taken?

Ÿ  What is needed with regards to material, human and financial aspects?

Ÿ  By whom?

Ÿ  When?

Ÿ  How?

The overall marketing plan should be built around setting targets for each activity and target of each of the products or services of the company, in terms of sales volume, turnover, financial contributions, etc. It should be built around distribution activities with regards to products or services, as well as distribution of the human and financial resources at the company’s disposal. This type of plan is usually done for a period of one year, but many companies are developing marketing plans that are both short and long-term, which are updated and revised each year, with annual plans set with successive stages.

As part of the overall marketing plan of the company, each activity, each product line or service and each individual product or service should have a specific plan. Whether the overall marketing plan of the company or a plan for an activity or product or service, it is often necessary to decompose it into a set of "sub-plans" based on geographical data or by customer segments (demographics). For some marketing plans, it is often useful to establish a detailed action plan. Such plans may involve:

Ÿ  Launching a new product or new packaging

Ÿ  The organization of a test market or a market study

Ÿ  Organizing an important event for the company

Ÿ  Implementation of an advertising campaign

Ÿ  Launching a promotional campaign

Whatever the level at which a marketing plan exists, it should generally include the following main headings:

Ÿ  Targets to be achieved at the end of the period covered by the plan

Ÿ  The designated responsibility for each operation

Ÿ  The expenditure budget and appropriate revenue for each of these operations

Ÿ  The planning of these operations

Ÿ  The list of key operations to conduct

Ÿ  The definition of performance indicators that will be used to monitor the implementation of the plan and objectives.

The financial plan reflects actions as per planned marketing figures. These include:

Ÿ  Sales forecast volume and value

Ÿ  Contribution level and expected profitability

Ÿ  Expenditure budget marketing and sales

They can be non-financial in nature such as:

Ÿ  Changes in demand

Ÿ  Changes in the level of customer satisfaction

Ÿ  Changes in the number of customers

Ÿ  The evolution of the market share

The control principles are set to define marketing plans before, during and after the implementation of the plan. It uses information to measure the achievement of the plan and analyze the causes of differences which may be identified. The information necessary to monitor a marketing plan are called performance indicators and must be defined in advance.  The performance indicators should be chosen so as to clarify data for analysis, these should include:

Ÿ  How they are processed

Ÿ  The form in which they will be presented.

Ÿ  The source and mode of acquisition of relevant information

A performance indicator should preferably be chosen for each of the objectives of the plan. There is no objective, strategy or plan, without control. Control measures will maintain the company's ability to achieve its strategy and forecasts. It can reveal gaps between expectation and reality. The company can then implement remedial plans or fallback/contingency plans if the marketing and financial objectives of the plan are not met. 

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